The FaN Project
Improving Household Nutrition Security and Public Health in the CARICOM
The FaN Project
The FaN project will leverage findings from the prior Farm to Fork project, creating pathways for agriculture and schools to improve school meals and the diets of children. The project is also a follow-up to the Port of Spain evaluation project, implementing policies and programmes to confront the rising tide on NCDs in the Caribbean.
The project will engage with stakeholders to understand how local food systems currently determine dietary patterns in our populations; and develop, implement and assess an integrated, adaptable and gender-sensitive package of interventions addressing identified leverage points within the local food systems, in order to increase healthy eating and sustainable rural livelihoods.
Examples of these interventions include:
- Revision of the school curriculum to include upstream determinants of NCDs
- Enhanced regional capacity to monitor salt, sugar and fat in packaged foods.
The lessons learned from these interventions (taking place in Jamaica, St.Vincent and the Grenadines, and St.Kitts and Nevis) will be used to propose a wider CARICOM intervention.